Weather by route

Mt. Fuji Trivia

How to use the lightning alert graph

  • Rotating field mill is used to measure the electric field intensity, collecting 1 data points per 0.5 second. This data is displayed from the present time up to one hour into the past.
  • Based on the real-time 1-minute minimum values of electric field intensity and a predefined evaluation formula, the system determines whether to turn the lightning alert ON or OFF.
  • You can check the graph to understand the atmospheric conditions over the past 5 hours, including whether cumulonimbus clouds were approaching or passing by.
  • Although some noise has been filtered out compared to the raw data graphs on the site, there is still some noise present in the displayed data.

model graph

Note: The graph below may not necessarily apply to all cumulonimbus clouds.

Approach of cumulonimbus clouds

Passing of cumulonimbus clouds

After cumulonimbus clouds passed by

When the sky is clear and calm

  • The electric field strength when the sky is clear, and calm is about 100V/m.
  • There is almost no change in the graph.


  • Rain, snow, hail, sleet and dust can carry an electric charge. When these encounter the Field Mill’s sensors, the Field Mill will read them as noise.
  • The noise is much smaller than the electric field strength of approaching and passing cumulonimbus clouds.