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- Fujinomiya route
Fujinomiya routeObservation point

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What is Fujinomiya route
Route Characteristics
- Of the four main routes, this one starts from the highest altitude (around 2,400 meters), making the distance to the summit the shortest.
- It has the second highest number of climbers after the Yoshida Route.
- The path is generally steep with many rocky sections.
- The ascent and descent are on the same path, making it easy to follow but requiring mutual courtesy during busy times.
- On clear days, climbers can enjoy a magnificent view of Suruga Bay spread out below.
Observation Point |
Temperature |
Rainfall |
Average Windspeed |
Maximum wind gust speed |
Mt. Fuji summit (Kengamine) [3,776m] |
6th Station [2,504m] |
2nd Station (Point of Reference: [1,291m] |
- Measured value
- Point of Reference
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